So, as always – my inspiration for this latest blog post comes from my inbox.
A few people have asked me lately how to find out about NEW Internet Marketing products coming out so so I figured I’d turn it into a blog post!
Honestly, the EASIEST way is to simply get on the JV lists of any big Marketer you like, they’ll usually email out a few weeks to a few MONTHS in advance to give you a heads up to their up-and-coming launch, OR their friends.
If you DON’T want to get on a ton of JV lists, there are quite a few websites out there that will give you this information as well!
Up and Coming I.M. Product Launches
I primarily use MunchEye, and JVNotifyPro from this list – however all 4 are good and you may find one that suits your style more than the rest.
- (for example, I found out about 123 Profit by Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton, and a ton of others on there)
Various Clickbank Product Analytics
- – get on their newsletter for the latest news about products in the clickbank marketplace
- (Check out Clickbank University 2.0 for CB training)
There ARE of course other niches, such as dating, fitness, health and wellness, etc. The best way to find out about THESE launches is to get on the product owners email lists. Take a look at THEIR past sales contests and make a note of the top affiliates for those. Chances are, many of THOSE are product owners as well and would be worthwhile to follow!
Anyways, check out the sites yourself and see which ones YOU like best – AND last but not least, don’t forget to like or tweet this post for me 😛
I hope this helps!
Hi Jeff, very informative post! I was wondering, do you know of any sites like you mentioned that list upcoming launches related to trading (Forex, Options, etc.)?
Hey Doug
Sorry about the delayed response. Generally no I don’t, just get on their email lists etc and they usually let you know about them before they come up.
Just reading your blog inspires me again…
Hi Jeff, I’m glad I came across your website. I don’t know how your Internet Marketing works, but I am really interested in it. I am presently out of work, and I need an avenue to make some income. Please I’d like to learn this. Could you kindly help me with this. I look forward to your response. Thank you.