Blakes Partner Program Review (2024 Update)

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  • Blakes Partner Program Review (2024 Update)

January 2, 2024

Hey Folks, Jeff Lenney here and thanks for stopping by to check out my Blake Nubar Partner Program Review.  For those that don't know, I NEVER Review something unless I get it first, use it, and make sure it delivers on it's promises!

That was certainly the case with the Blake Nubar Partner Program, so if you want to learn more about how to use this program to make money online using easy to get FREE traffic and free Facebook traffic - let's get to the reason you're here!

What IS The Blake Nubar Partner Program All About?

I got it, so I can show you!

Blake's Partner Program

Who is Blake Nubar?

For those of you that don’t know, Blake Nubar is one of the most sought after sales funnel experts in the world.

He’s a 2 Comma Club Record Holder ($1 Million in 43 Days) and is partnered with an impressive list of top business leaders, including Sharks from ABC’s Hit TV Show - Shark Tank.

But, this is the part I find the coolest - for the past year, Blake and his team went on a mission…to funnel hack the internet.

I know, it sounds silly, but what they did is...frankly put, quite amazing.

They spent an entire year searching every corner of the digital universe for the highest converting sales funnels across all popular niches & industries.

After months of research and testing, Blake and his team were able to find the top sales funnels in each niche and create a comprehensive report of their findings.

With this knowledge, Blake and his team have made it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to get the sales funnels they need to make their business successful. As a result, entrepreneurs can now focus on what matters most – growing their business and generating more revenue.

And now, using Blakes Brand new "Social Media Funnel" that's crazy profitable in ANY niche, you can clone it and be started in under 10 minutes!

That being said, let's get started!

The Blake Nubar Partner Program

Blakes 3 Step Process

Blake's Partner Program is an "A-Z" Internet Marketing training program that you can study in your spare time from the privacy of your own home.

In fact, Blake said these two very cool things about the course, that definitely stood out to me:

  • It's a A "stupid simple" online business you can start from home...TONIGHT!
  • And it's Perfect for beginners!  No tech skills, no product, and no internet marketing experience needed

What you'll be learning is an honest-to-God 3-Step Process that Blake and many top online marketers have been using for YEARS.  In fact, Blakes training and funnels are so good, he's considered the TOP expert on this in the world!

Two Cool Facts about this product:

  1. The product you'll be selling is created for you, you're able to whitelabel it, make a few changes and make it 100% your own!
  2. Even better - this is a tool/method for your clients to use to generate FREE Traffic - which EVERYBODY loves, so they'll tell their friends about you too since it doesn't really create new competition!

Step 1: Choose a Niche

Whether you're a complete newbie, or you've been doing this for a while - everything is explained and layed out in a very easy to understand way. It's important to niche down, or find a segment of a much larger niche.

Here are a few examples of this:

  • Health >> Doctors >> Plastic Surgeons >> Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgeons.
  • Health >> Fitness >> Local Gyms >> Crossfit Gyms
  • Wealth >> Real Estate >> House Flipping >> Residential

It's easy to do this a hundred times, and Blake goes into this (with many more example) in great detail.

When you niche down and focus on providing this service to a very small segment, you quickly become the EXPERT in this sub-niche and become the 'go to' guy for this.

It's important to make sure that you're passionate about the niche you choose as well. If you're not passionate about it, you won't be motivated to put in the hard work and effort required to make it successful.

Plus you don't want to become bored and lose interest. It's important to find something that you're passionate about, and then niche down and create a sub-niche in that area.

Research the market and see what other people are doing, then come up with your own unique spin on it.

This will help you stand out from the competition and be a leader in the industry.

Step 2: Customize Your Simple Sales Funnel. 

The templates are already done, so Blakes team will work with you to help you customize it with specific images FOR YOU specifically!  This will be 100% unique to you too!

Step 3: Drive Traffic!

This is where the fun begins! You DON'T need a lot of money to start this, you can literally start posting with your smart phone and seeing the sales come in!

For those who DO want to start with paid traffic, you can start with as little as $5.00 per DAY of ad spend and see results come in!

You can start driving traffic using a variety of methods, such as social media ads, YouTube Ads, Google Ads, retargeting campaigns, and more.

Start by creating a few ads, testing different messages and images, and measuring results. Once you find an ad that is performing well, you can scale it up and start driving more traffic to your website.

There are also a variety of free methods you can use to drive traffic to your website, such as SEO, content marketing, email marketing, and social media.

All of these methods take time, but if you are consistent, you can see long-term results. Experiment with different strategies and find the ones that work best for you.

Now of course there's a little bit of work involved with each step, but Blake's made it as EASY as possible, so simple in fact that you can be started in as little as 10-Minutes!

Ready to Get Started?

If you found my review useful and are ready to take YOUR online business to the next level, click the button below!

The Members Area Training

Blakes Partner Program Members Area

Alright, so the members area itself looks fantastic.  It's not filled with Ads and a bunch of upsells and fluff.  It just gets straight to the point with your training & education, and I love it!


this is an introduction module which explains how to get started, and what you should expect from the training.

Part 1 - Choose A Niche

Blakes Partner Program, Module #1

This training goes into mindset first (which I feel is really important), then it goes into REAL student success stories & examples.

A lot of people already have a niche, which is great - but if you have NO IDEA where to start and just can't figure it out, THIS training is for you!

In the training, you'll learn how to "niche down" to focus on a specific segment within a larger niche, and you'll learn how to become the go to "authority" in this niche! Once you niche down and become the authority, you're going to be THE expert on your target audience, understand them better than anybody, and you're going to have so much momentum going forward.

I can't give too much away about this training, of course, but Blake gives PLENTY of real world examples, HOW you can find them yourself, and even gives a BONUS download of 2,000+ real world niche examples!

The training also goes into how to actually create content in your niche, how to market it, and how to leverage the power of social media.

Blake has a system for creating and managing content that is repeatable and sustainable so that you can keep growing your niche over time. 

This training is incredibly comprehensive and is perfect for anyone who is just starting out and needs to learn the basics of niching down and becoming an authority in their chosen niche.

Part 2 - Customizing Your Sales Funnel

Module 2

As the Title Suggests, Part 2 is all about CUSTOMIZING your Custom Sales Funnel!

You'll learn how to:

  • Import Your Sales Funnel
  • Get Your Domain Name
  • Send Blakes Team Your Domain, so they can add it to your custom sales funnel!

On top of all of this, you'll also learn how to set up your:

  • 2-Step Order Form Page
  • Masterclass Page
  • Masterclass Downsell Page
  • Order Confirmation Page
  • Members Access Page
  • Members Area Page
  • Legal Page
  • Add A Social Share Image
  • Connect Your Domain Name
  • Create Page Paths

Remember, these are ALL DONE FOR YOU, all you have to do is customize the design and text on the pages to fit your offer & audience! 😎

Part 3 - Add Products

Module 3

This is where stuff gets exciting, as you'll learn more about the products you're selling! 😎

The Entry Level Product ($7.00) - this is a $7.00 'do it yourself' product.  It's the opportunity for your new customers to go through the product and set it up themselves (build they're own funnels, write their own emails, etc).  

They can do 100% of it themselves, (write their own emails, set up their own landing pages to capture free Facebook leads, etc) - they'll have to put some work into it - which is why the price is only $7.00, but it can 100% be done by them and it's a GREAT value for what they're learning to do!

The "Order Form Bump" ($37.00) - right before they hit 'submit' on the $7.00 purchase, they're hit up with what's called an 'order form bump' to sell your second product.  

This is a product that teaches YOUR customer how to get followers FAST. It's a very specific and proven system that will help them get their next 1,000 followers quickly.  

The Done With You Masterclass ($197.00) - They get EVERYTHING here, the tools, the sales funnel, the email sequence, the graphics, the templates - everything they need to set up this exact system very quickly.  

This is a Video training course where Blake walks them through step-by-step how to set this up for their own online business.   Via the Video Scripts Blake shows how to lead a masterclass using his Sales script . He also provides a Launch Checklist to help you ensure that your webinar is designed correctly. You can also customize the introduction script and membership area.

It's very universal and will work with any business, from Real Estate Agents, to Window Washers, Baby Sitters or even Plastic Surgeons.  

They will be adding more expensive products in later that you can add to your funnel, but for now these are the 3 products made avaialble to you and your customers.  

Blake Nubar Partner Program Review

As I mentioned up top, I joined The Blake Nubar Partner Program in order to give it a thorough review, and let you know if it's a waste of time, or worth the money.

I'll be honest, I came into this with high-expectations already, as nobody I talked to (and I mean 7, 8, and 9 figure per year guys) had anything bad to say about Blake or what he does.

That being said, the training so far is phenomenal and I'm already using a lot of what I'm learning to improve my own funnels, plus I've replaced a few of my poorer performing ones with the funnels Blake Nubar provides for you to download with the course.

So far, the training is VERY easy to understand and follow along with.

It literally goes like this:

  1. Blake Films each portion of the training step-by-step.
  2. You follow along and do the same yourself.
  3. It could not be easier, and as I said before this truly is my personal favorite type of training.

Any questions - don't be shy, let me know! 🙂

Ready to Get Started?

If you found my review useful and are ready to take YOUR online business to the next level, click the button below!

P.S. Also worth checking out for 2024 is eFORMULA 

About the author 

Jeff Lenney

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Jeff Lenney, your navigator through the exciting seas of Affiliate Marketing, SEO, and ECommerce. My journey started back in 2009, and since then, it's been a whirlwind of success and fun in the digital world.

Before I dove headfirst into the vast ocean of affiliate marketing, I honed my SEO skills with some of the biggest agencies in sunny Southern California. I've been the SEO compass for 7-9 figure giants like Agora Financial, Investor Place, and Timothy Sykes, guiding them through the complex currents of online visibility.

But wait, there's more! I've also worked quite extensively with affiliate marketing legends like Anik Singal, Jimmy Kim, Aidan Booth, Dori Friend & others. Did I mention I was Anik's head coach from 2012 to 2015? Yeah, I've been around the block a few times!

My expertise isn't just confined to the boardroom. I've shared my knowledge and experiences on numerous podcasts, shedding light on the intricate dance of affiliate SEO.

So, whether you're a seasoned pro looking to catch the next big wave or just dipping your toes into the digital marketing ocean, I've got a treasure trove of insights for you. Stick around for fun tales, savvy strategies, and maybe a few laughs as we debunk myths and explore the latest trends in the world of online marketing. 

Dive into my posts and let's make some waves together! âœ‹ My Name is Jeff Lenney. I'm an Affiliate Marketer, and Search Engine Optimization Expert with over 10 years experience. I like to talk about marketing, SEO & ECommerce, so read my other posts here: Jeff Lenney's Articles

  • Rita Davis says:


    I am interested in joining Blake Nubar’s Partnering Program but I don’t want to be on camera. Can I still work the program and not be on camera?

    • Hi Rita

      You most certainly can! 🙂

      You never have to be on camera if you don’t want to, so no problems there!

      Pick it up here if you’re ready to get started!


  • Does Blakes merchant account take the sales or do we get the sales into our merchant account? Also, do we get the emails and buyers list into our list? As I want to be able to sell them FB ads and other services and this looks like a perfect buyers funnel? Thanks

    • Hey Andy, Great questions! You take the payments yourself, and the leads, emails and buyers are 100% yours as well! 🙂

      Hope this helps


  • Do you have to have your own online business go start?

  • Do you have to have your own online business go start?

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}